Monday, 3 June 2013

Farewell Dinner KBH 2012/2013

On last Tuesday (22 Mei 2013), my kolej (Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi) Tiong Hua Club organized a Farewell Dinner for the senior that who will graduate on next year at Old Man Restaurant. This event was organized by all the first year students. 

That day, we all need to gather at KBH bus stop on 6.30 p.m. The bus starts to go there at 6.45 p.m. After 15 minutes, we are arrived the restaurant.  After that, we start to chat with each others first.

At 7.30 p.m., our event will start by eat dinner first. Wah… so delicious all the food !!

After that, our next program is giving survivor to the senior that who will graduate. 

Then, the next program is game time. Because that day, many people came and the place cannot make us run at there. So, we just play a simple and very fun game.

After that, the last program is photography time. Because some senior will graduate on next year, so many junior wants to take photo to them.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Sesi Pembentangan Powerpoint Minggu Kedua

Dalam kebanyakkan kumpulan yang dibentang pada minggu ini, saya sangat suka Kumpulan Ke-6 dan Kumpulan Ke-5.

Bagi Kumpulan Ke-6, saya suka pembentangan mereka kerana saya dapat belajar sesuatu ilmu pengetahuan baru tentang pertolongan cesmas. Sebelum ini, saya tidak tahu sangat fungsi-fungsi bagi ubat-ubat tersebut. Selain itu, video mereka juga sangat baik dan sangat sesuai untuk digunakan dalam sesi pembelajaran. Dalam video tersebut, kami boleh mengetahui bagaimana menolong orang lain dan cara-cara mencuci tangan dengan baik.

Bagi Kumpulan Ke-5, saya suka perbentangan mereka yang bertajuk " Nostalgia Zaman Kanak-kanak "  kerana mereka membuat saya teringat balik masa zaman-zaman kanak-kanak saya. Masa tersebut adalah masa yang tergembira bagi saya kerana tidak perlu risau apa-apa, hanya buat sahaja yang saya nak buat. Setiap orang hanya ada sekali sahaja masa zaman-zaman kanak-kanak dan ' enjoy ' sepenuhnya. Dalam pembentangan mereka, saya juga membuat saya nak menonton balik cartoon-cartoon yang lihat pada masa kecil. Contohnya Cow and chicken, Ultraman, Doremon, Dexter's Laboratory dan sebagainya. Semua cartoon-cartoon ini telah teman saya sepanjang masa kecil saya. Rindunya, masa kecil saya !!


Sesi Pembentangan Powerpoint Minggu Pertama

Hebatnya, kedua-dua kumpulan yang telah dibentang hari ini !!

Eh…. Kenapa dua kumpulan sahaja yang dapat dibentang dalam 3 jam ?? Haha…. Disebabkan banyak masalah yang tidak dijangka telah berlaku, termasuk speaker tidak dapat berfungsi, video tidak dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan sebagainya.

Dalam sesi pembentangan Powerpoint minggu ini, saya lebih suka kumpulan Ke-12 yang bertajuk “Pantang Larang bagi pelbagai Kaum”. Pembentangan mereka sangat baik dan jelas bagi setiap isi yang ingin disampaikan kepada kami. Tetapi ada sedikit kekurangan, iaitu suara orang yang ditemu ramah dalam video mereka kurang jelas. Yang lain itu sangat baik. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Fu She UKM Primary School Camp (Part 4)

In the last day of camp (19/05/2013), all campers are allowed to sleep until 7.30 a.m. because yesterday program is too late end. At 7.30 a.m., all the campers need to wake up and start clean the room and packing their own things. At 8.00 p.m., all campers need to bring their own thing to the big hall. Then, they all can enjoy their breakfast.

After breakfast, all campers need to gather again in the big hall to continue the last group game - Love Life, Love Earth. The rule for this game is all the group need to do some model by using all the material that we give them. The material is a box, two 500 ml bottle and some newspaper.

After that, the next program is photograph session and heart talk. In the session, most of campers and  facilitator already start crying because they all very miss us !! It will be the sweet memory for we all.  I also will miss u all, boys and girls !!

After that, we all sing again our camp song last times before the Primary School Camp end. Then, the last program is the closing ceremony of this camp and started at 12.00 p.m. In this closing ceremony, we also have some presents that want to give to all campers. At 1.00 p.m., the closing ceremony of this camp also finish. The Fu She UKM Primary School Camp 2013 also end at here. Here, I would like thank all the board members and the campers to give me this sweet memory !! ^^